This is a story about a house, a site, a client and an architect.
The architect is struggling to get her head around this project. She is excited, but hesitant as she has traveled half way around the world, done 2½ years of climbing to get herself out of the hole she was in and back into this seat after ten years. But she is really here, pinch yep that’s me. The guys are happy to have her back and she is on cloud nine just to be sitting here.
The client is on his own journey. He is following his desire to turn a glorious "NZ style bach*" into a stunning magazine worthy house for himself and his future wife. His 2½ year journey is no less rocky, but he is doing quite well. We will join his story after he has already acquired the bach* with the 180 degree view, steps from the beach, in Santa Barbara a city that the rich and famous like to call home.
He has already hired an architect/builder, gone through the costly time consuming arduous process of getting a project through planning, design review and into the building department. At the very moment he was ready to pull the permit he has an “Ah Hah” and says “NO. THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT.” On the recommendation of someone or possibly multiple someone’s he eats all that time and money and decides to hire a new architect. This is where my internship firm joins the story. A builder has recommended us and the client has contracted with us. A wise move on his part I would say immodestly. Let’s hope he can afford it.
*A bach (pronounced 'batch') (/ˈbætʃ/; (also called a crib in the southern half of the South Island) is a small, often very modest holiday home or beach house in New Zealand.