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Chapter Nineteen - Refinement

It started to get fun mocking ideas up at full scale.

I added a zipper in the back and brought the straps closer together in front. Not sure that was a good idea, but the straps kept falling down.

I added the ruffle and had a pow wow with the interior designer about the length, jacket and details. Lucky for me Randy was happy to give his input on the dresses too.

But that is a tale for another day.

Fitting yourself isn't so easy, but as luck would have it I met Maria, a dress maker who was working the odd day at the shop where I bought my sewing machine. I eventually found her shop, Design Studio MZ, and would go up for fittings. She enjoyed chatting with me and would happily help me out. I would drop a bill as I was so grateful. Eventually I had her look at everything I owned and would never consider anything done without passing it by her for a final fitting.

I didn't like how the 4 panels spaced out, so I started drawing where I wanted them to lie and ended up with six panels and 5 or 7 pleats.

I feel I'm on to something, but my exit is quickly approaching and I have promised the other dress.

Will I have enough time to finish before I return to New Zealand.


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