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Chapter Fourteen – Desires

My client and I were butting heads again. He would show me beautiful window walls that opened to nothing. I would counter with nice sliders that hinted at the idea.

  • It came down to budget vs. desire.

  • "I don't think you can afford it."

  • "It is not in the budget."

Now $800,000 was mentioned as the construction budget, but I knew this house was approaching double that at least.

In my profession you have to take a read:

  • Is the client being realistic?

  • Are they just trying to keep you in check?

  • Can they afford it if they want it?

Believe me it is not fun for anyone if you have to come back and reduce the size, quality, and extras. But I'll do it if I have to.

There came a point on the project, after I went to see the window rep and the client had asked me to go forward with a pool permit, that I just stopped fighting him.

It came down to desire. I had come across Mama Gena (I recommend her, but you are going to have to check her out on your own) awhile ago and started following her as a Christmas present to myself. She was always going on about having desires, going after desires, dwelling in desires and not worrying about the how of your desires. It was a big part of how I made it to here.

So, I stepped back and said who am I to deny him. He was well along his way by the sheer fact that circumstances had brought me all the way from New Zealand to work on his project. That alone was pretty amazing karma if you ask me. So I have gone full steam ahead with the vanishing corner walls.

He is thrilled. Everyone says the site deserves it.

He has gone down under for work while we await the permit and bids.

  • Will he balk at the price?

  • Did I guess wrong?

  • I'm crossing my fingers


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