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Chapter Five - My Limitations

Updated: Nov 1, 2018

I had a vague plan before leaving New Zealand. It made sense. But my last meeting with the director shook me and left self doubt and an uncertainty of how to proceed.

Determined to leave with an open mind, as a fallback I threw in the fabric, just in case. It was such a crazy trip to begin with.

Thus enters limitation. I am in Santa Barbara without a car, the local fabric store has closed and the specialty shop is out of my reach.

I learned this when a client shared an exquisite lace blouse she made from $850 a yard fabric, special ordered from Fine Fabrics. Even $85 a yard would have seemed like a stretch for me. She got the top published on the cover of threads magazine.

Now, not all hope is lost. This is the woman who taught me the decimal game. Shhhhh! She doesn't know. Once, I said "I want to do what you did." sympathetically she said "You aren't going to be able to". But I did. I just moved the decimal. Click and see. (Sorry it is not posted yet.)

So this pile is what I have to work with. And you all in New Zealand think the sky is the limit, here in the land of plenty.


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