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Inspiration for reconnecting with your creativity through the unfolding of two designs, a house and a dress by a mother stepping back in to her career.


Be inspired.

Frustrated with how your house functions, feels, works, looks, but don't know how to make it better?

Do you just know your house could be better?


Do you dream about how to adjust things to make it work better?



My service is for people who appreciate well designed spaces and who believe houses should work for them and be a joy to live in.


The best designs grow from a collaborative process. I put together teams that work collaboratively. Ideally the client is part of the team.


I offer architectural services in the United States and New Zealand to people who understand and appreciate the importance of the built environment and want fabulous places to live.


Interested? Follow the process below. Can't afford it? Who knows it might be more affordable than you think; you might learn something; and/or your circumstances may change in the future. Mine did.


Read the Archicouture Blog to better understand my approach to design.


Reach out and tell me about your project and let's set up a time to talk.


Sign a contract defining scope of services.


Start designing.

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